Q. Login & account registration error
If you are having issues registering your account, we suggest that you try again on new device or browser.
Please try a new device or new browser and go straight to the 'create account/register account' section without requesting a password reset.
If you have issue with verification code, please kindly check if your Chrome version. If you have Chrome with 114 version, please try to register again and create password with 8 – 20 characters included alphabet, number and symbol (only applicable for symbols - . _ @
If you have issue with account log in have trouble while trying to reset password which you do not get the password reset email, please reach out our Customer Support via any channels available below.
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*Please note that IQ Chatbot Support cannot recognize specific information such as order numbers, delivery status, personal information, and product names
*In the case our IQ Chatbot Support is unable to answer your inquiry, our Customer Support members will assist you further.
IQ Chat Support Operating Hours: 9 am - 6 pm(Including weekends and Public Holidays)
*For anything time critical please call us via our customer support phone line.
Monday - Sunday: 9am - 6pm
(Including Public Holidays)
Monday - Sunday: 9am - 6pm
(Including Public Holidays)
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