Q. I checked the stock is still available at store, but on website cannot be selected. Can I still order it?
No. If the product (the size/color) cannot be selected on the website/app, it means that the product cannot be ordered online. Online order can only be processed through website/app and will be processed by online warehouse in Jakarta.
Related FAQs
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Related information:
- I checked the stock is still available at store, but on website cannot be selected. Can I still order it?
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- Why I cannot access the UNIQLO website? Why still on maintenance mode?
Contact UNIQLO Indonesia
*Click "CHAT SUPPORT" button to open a window on the page to start chatting with our ChatBot
*Please note that IQ Chatbot Support cannot recognize specific information such as order numbers, delivery status, personal information, and product names
*In the case our IQ Chatbot Support is unable to answer your inquiry, our Customer Support members will assist you further.
IQ Chat Support Operating Hours: 9 am - 6 pm(Including weekends and Public Holidays)
*Please note that IQ Chatbot Support cannot recognize specific information such as order numbers, delivery status, personal information, and product names
*In the case our IQ Chatbot Support is unable to answer your inquiry, our Customer Support members will assist you further.
IQ Chat Support Operating Hours: 9 am - 6 pm(Including weekends and Public Holidays)
*One of our friendly customer support agents will get back to you via email within 1 business day.
*For anything time critical please call us via our customer support phone line.
*For anything time critical please call us via our customer support phone line.
Toll Free Phone Number
Customer Care Operating hours:
Monday - Sunday: 9am - 6pm
(Including Public Holidays)
Monday - Sunday: 9am - 6pm
(Including Public Holidays)
Toll Free Phone Number
(001) 80332160290
Customer Care Operating hours:
Monday - Sunday: 9am - 6pm
(Including Public Holidays)
Monday - Sunday: 9am - 6pm
(Including Public Holidays)
Online Services
Online Shopping Guideline
First time shopping at UNIQLO online? Worry not! You can follow our easy guideline to order your desired product. For first time UNIQLO App downloader, you can also get a Welcome Coupon 25k. Let's get started!
Bulk Purchase
Enjoy 10% off and free shipping for order with minimum Rp10,000,000 for team outfit, uniforms, gifts and more!