Q. FAQ Coupon Offers at UNIQLO Online store

Q. What are the types of coupons available?
A. We currently have:
Welcome coupon, a coupon worth IDR 25,000 for new downloaders or first user and register an account on the application UNIQLO ID
Birthday coupon, a coupon worth IDR 25.000 for customers that register their birthday date in the account. This coupon will be received on the birthday month and can be used until end of month.

Q. How do I earn welcome coupons?
A. If you download the UNIQLO APP & Link it with your UNIQLO Account for the first time, you will receive a IDR 25.000 off welcome coupon, redeemable with a minimum spend of Rp 250.000.

Q. If I register today will I get a coupon?
A. You will get a welcome coupon a maximum of 1 x 24 hours since you register an account on the application. If the coupon has not appeared, please contact our customer support at the following link

Q. What are the conditions for using a welcome coupon?
A. You will get a "welcome coupon" the first time you download and create a new account on the UNIQLO app. This coupon is used in stores or online shopping through the application. Please use a coupon with a minimum spend of IDR 250,000 for one transaction. If you buy in store offline, please scan the app first to staff cashier when do payment.

Q. What are the conditions for using a birthday coupon
A. Birthday coupon can be used until end of the month.
Coupon also can be used with a minimum spend IDR 250,000 on UNIQLO ONE & not valid in store. Please use the coupon at checkout or payment page.

Q. Can I register a coupon after I placed my order?
A. If you are using a coupon, make sure to input the coupon code prior to checking out and confirming your order. Once payment has been made and order has been confirmed, you can no longer use or apply any of our Uniqlo coupons. You have an option to cancel the order if the Cancel button is still available, and reorder your item/s. However, please note that we cannot guarantee that the items you have selected will still be available if you cancel the order.

Q.  I accidentally tapped the "use" button on the coupon. Is there a way to have the coupon re-issued?
A. Unfortunately, these coupons cannot be re-issued. Our cashiers should be the ones to tap and "redeem" the coupon at the payment counter.

Q. Can I redeem all coupons into my order?
A. The coupons can't be combined into one order. The order is only applicable for one coupon. 

If you have further question, please reach out our Customer Support Team via available channels below

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