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Q. About Product Review

The purpose of collecting reviews is to use the impressions and evaluations of customers who have worn certain product as reliable opinions that can be used as a reference by other customers who intend to purchase the same product. 

Your feedback is important to us. By sharing your feedback and review with us, we constantly improve our product.
Check out simple steps below on how write a review:

Note: Every product may only submit once and the review may take up to 48 hours to reflect.

Login to your account and go to Purchase History on your Membership Page
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Rate the product, create your review title, comment and fill out the required information.
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Read & agree the Terms of Use and click the [Preview] button.
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Once all information confirmed, click the [SUBMIT] button. 
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You will see a confirmation page upon submission.
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Q : Can I review more than 1 time for the same product?
A : Unfortunately, 1 customer only can submit 1 review for each product. If you like to re-submit the product review, we welcome you to contact our customer service via email (here) to share your product feedback instead. 

Q : What if I don't want people to identify me as the reviewer?
A : We only display the write's nickname for each product review in our webpage. Under Nickname field, you can create your own nickname to identify your comment instead sharing your true name. If the Nickname field leave blank, nothing will be displayed.

Q : Why I cannot select the product size and submit my review?
A : In occasion that our product may run out of stock which customer may unable to select the size and submit the product review through the UNIQLO App in result. As such, you may submit the product review through our website in the product page itself by searching the product name

Q : Why I cannot submit my review and receive error page?
A : If you receive error page when submit your product review, it may due to high traffic in website. We recommend to try again later or next day. Please be informed as well that you will receive error page if you try to submit more than once for the same product.

Q : What comments that cannot be posted?
A : Comments containing the following information will not be posted:
In order to prevent confusion for other customers, posts mentioning prices and posts referencing products other than the product to be reviewed may not be excerpted or posted.
Comments that are not related to the product (dissatisfaction with store services and delivery / shipping, etc.).
Comments on unsold products.
Questions on inventory and size request not related to the product to be reviewed.
Information that can identify brands of other companies, individuals, and groups.
Comments for commercial purposes, URLs.
Information that brings or suggests disrepute to our company or a third party.
Information that includes political content.
Antisocial content.
Information on disasters, riots, terrorism, epidemics, illnesses.
Multiple comments for the same product by the same person (including cases where we judge that they are the same person).
Other information that we deem inappropriate.

We cannot reply to the comments you have posted. If you have any issue with our product, you may get in touch with our customer service via Email button (bottom page) or phone for further assistance. 


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