Q. ⚠️Stay Vigilant Against Fake Websites, Emails & Accounts pretending to be from UNIQLO
Please be guided of the official UNIQLO mailing and social media accounts:
Instagram: uniqloindonesia
Facebook: UniqloIndonesiaOfficial
Twitter: @uniqloindonesia
Tiktok: @uniqloindonesia
WhatsApp: 0811-1700-1815
*UNIQLO official accounts are marked with the following certification mark next to the account name:
Uniqlo does not use public emails.
In case you receive emails from accounts not included above, we recommend NOT to click on links in the message, open attachments, or reply to the message. Please delete the entire message and block the fake account to prevent further damage.
Should you want to confirm the email/message you have received or report unofficial accounts, you may use any of the official UNIQLO customer communication channels below.
If you receive a suspicious email, SMS, or SNS message, please refrain from the following actions:
1. Access to the URL described in the email, SMS, or SNS message
2. Open attachments
3. Reply/answer questionnaires
4. Reply to messages
5. Forward messages
6. Call to the phone number listed in the email, SMS, or SNS message
Also, please delete suspicious emails and messages, mark them as spam, block a sender account, etc.
-If you place an order through a Fake website, you may run into problems such as not receiving the product or receiving a counterfeit product. Please check the address displayed in your browser to see if you can access the UNIQLO official website. Please find the details below.
-If you find any suspicious website or e-mail, please contact us at [Contact Us] at the bottom of the page.
-Currently we do not have WhatsApp service. If you receive any message from WhatsApp on behalf of UNIQLO, please ignore and delete it.
How to Identify Fake Websites and Fake Emails
[Fake Website]
The correct address of the UNIQLO official website is [www.uniqlo.com/id] contained.
Please note that the imitation sites have different domains such as [www.uniqlo●●●●●.co.id] and [www.●●●uniqlo.co.id].
Characteristics of counterfeit sites
1. Contact phone number is not listed.
2. The bank account name does not match the operating company.
3. The contact address is a free email address.
4. The prices of all products are extremely low.
If you receive a suspicious email, please check the sender and see if it is from UNIQLO. The email address sent from UNIQLO has domain with @uniqlo.co.id
Characteristics of counterfeit addresses:
1.In front of @, alphabets with no meaning are randomly listed. For example lhwiagfpsy@ml.store.uniqlo.co.id
2. Different alphabets such as "uniqlo" to "unlqio" by quoting UNIQLO's domain as below.
E.g. ●●●●●●@unlqio.co.id