2. UNIQLO Indonesia Customer Service
  3. Delivery

Q. Delivery Method for Online Order

⚠️Click and Collect orders are processed from the warehouse in Jakarta (not from store’s stock), if the order has one or more of below conditions. So, it needs time for packing and delivery process to stores.⚠️

  1. Order that are paid within 13 - 20 March 2025, or
  2. Order for extra size (XS, XXL, 3XL), or
  3. Order with Gift Wrapping Service / Gift Box / Gift Bag, or
  4. Order with alteration service, or
  5. If the product is not available / available but limited at store. 

We provide home delivery via Home Delivery (ship to address) and Click & Collect service (ship to store). Below is the delivery options estimation time:

1. Home Delivery
Delivery service of the product you purchased online by courier service and only offer standard delivery time. You will receive delivery tracking number after the order is passed to courier which you can track
hereBelow is estimated delivery time for home delivery:
User-added image
*1 There might be additional 6 days that could be needed for Kab. Jepara, Kab. Gresik, Kab. Sumenep 
*2 There might be additional 6 days that could be needed for other islands than Lombok and Timor 
*3 There might be additional 8 days that could be needed for outside Sumatera island and some cities in Aceh, North Sumatera, Riau, Bengkulu 
*4 There might be additional 7 days that could be needed for outside Sulawesi Island and some cities in North, Central, East Sulawesi 
*5 There might be additional 7 days that could be needed for some cities in North Maluku 
*6 There might be additional 6 days that could be needed for Kab. Supiori and cities in West Papua 

2. Click and Collect
Click and Collect is a delivery option for your online order to be shipped to store that you've selected without shipping cost. After the order has arrived at store, you can collect it within 14 days since the order arrive at store. Below is estimated delivery time for click and collect:
User-added image

Please be note that your Click and Collect order will be shipped from our warehouse in Jakarta if the order has one or more of below conditions:

1. Order that are paid within 13 - 20 March 2025, or
2. Order for extra size (
XS, XXL, 3XL), or
Order with Gift Wrapping Service / Gift Box / Gift Bag, or
Order with alteration service, or
If the product is not available / available but limited at store. 

You can click below for further information of Click and Collect method:
General Click & Collect Information 
Same Day Click & Collect Information 

Once your order has been shipped from our warehouse, you will receive a shipping email. If you have not received the email within 2 days since placing your order, please reach out our Customer Support via any channels available at the bottom of the page.

Please note that the day you placed the order is counted as 0 days. For example:

-Day 0: On 18 December, you placed an order.
-Day 1: On 19 December, you received an email notification / the delivery status changed to "Shipped" where this means it is delivery process day 1.

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